Kings of the Jews. Lots of kings. Starting with Solomon and ending with none at all.
The life of David while he was king over Israel.
Israel demands a king to rule over them.
ABANDON YOUR IDEA OF A JUDGE. The “judges” in the book of Judges are tribal warrior-leaders. They are not judges – not like we mean the word.
The people of Israel FINALLY get their own land.
The final book of the story of Israel before they get their own land.
It’s not really about numbers! The original Hebrew name of the book is “In the Wilderness,” and that’s a better name. This book is about Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness (at least 38 years of it). Yes, there are some numbers, too, but that’s like ten percent of the book.
Instructions for priestly service and laws for the people. But there is a single word that comes up incessantly in this book, far more than in any other book of the Bible.
Jacob’s family now numbers 1-2 million people, and they are ready for their own land. But first, miracles, the Ten Commandments, and other laws.
The beginning - of the whole world (chapters 1-11), and then of the nation of Israel (chapters 12-50).