Leviticus 10:1-11. The LORD kills these two men on the spot after they bring an offering that God did not ask for.
Exodus 12:30 to the end of chapter 14. Roughly a couple million people walk out of Egypt in the middle of the night. There is a sea in their way, but that does not stop them.
A very hopeful poem of God’s goodness to come. (Spoiler alert – it’s through Jesus Christ.) If you have ever felt down and out and long for when God will make it all right, this poem will make you smile.
Canaan is the land of Israel before Israel conquers it (and so it is a land of pagans). The Jordan River is what the Jews have to cross to get there.
It is a skin disease, but it has significance beyond that, even to the New Testament.
Instructions for priestly service and laws for the people. But there is a single word that comes up incessantly in this book, far more than in any other book of the Bible.
The book of Leviticus and lessons from it.
Before a temple (of stone) existed, priests of Israel worshiped in a portable building (with a portable fence) called the tabernacle.
Exodus 7-12. Pharaoh refuses to let a million slave laborers walk out the front door, and the Egyptians pay the price.
Exodus 1:15-2:10. Moses’ mother has a plan to save him.