In short

Genesis 42-46. Joseph has risen to great power in Egypt and is now in a position to rescue his family from starvation. But first, Joseph strings them along since the brothers don’t recognize him after abandoning him as a teenager 20* years before.

Why it is important

First, the providence of God in the story. Second, the care God has for Joseph. And third, if this hadn’t happened, the nation of Israel may never have existed.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today,” Gen 50:20.

Main characters

  • Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob
  • Pharaoh (king of Egypt)
  • Joseph’s brothers and father
  • And especially Benjamin, who becomes a pawn in the story

What is in this story (Genesis 42-46)

As background, in chapter 37, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of their father giving Joseph special treatment. The father thinks Joseph is dead all these years. Meanwhile, Joseph eventually rises to second in command of Egypt and stocks up grain ahead of a famine in chapter 41.

  1. In the midst of the famine, Jacob sends 10 of the remaining sons to Egypt to buy grain (42:1-3) but Benjamin stays home (42:4)
  2. It just so happens that Joseph is the one selling the grain they need (42:6)
  3. “And Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him” (42:8)
  4. So Joseph toys with them, giving them grain, sneaking their money back in their bags and forcing them to leave Simeon behind while they bring food back and go get Benjamin (42:9-35)
  5. Their father Jacob refuses to send Benjamin… until they eat all the food. Then after Judah begs him, Jacob agrees (42:36-43:15)
  6. The brothers say, We promise we did not steal the money, and here it is plus more for more food; please don’t enslave us (43:16-22)
  7. Joseph has them all for dinner and sends them on their way but entraps them again, this time with his special cup (43:31-44:2). And he has his steward chase them and drag them all back again (44:3-13)
  8. Joseph finally reveals his true identity and praises God’s providence (45:1-8)
  9. Joseph gives them the true royal treatment, giving them a portion of Egypt’s land (Goshen) to resettle in, lavishing them with goods and promising that his government will spare no expense for the Israelites (45:9-28)
  10. And Jacob loads up his small empire and moves down to Egypt and reunites with Joseph (chapter 46)

Things that are not so well-known

  • Jacob and sons (the beginning of Israel) were in Canaan already (42:5) – the place Moses had to fight to get to and Joshua had to conquer. It was this story that made Israel leave Canaan and how they wound up in slavery in Egypt.
  • Joseph is apparently speaking in Egyptian to them at first (42:23)
  • Joseph claims that God put the money in their bags (43:23), but it was Joseph’s command (42:25). Was Joseph lying? Or just being obscure?

Theology and doctrine

It seems safe to agree with Joseph that this was God’s providence that Joseph ended up in Egypt in order to save his whole family’s future. And I can see justifying the play of kidnapping Simeon in order to get Benjamin to come. But was it necessary to frame the brothers for stealing? TWICE? Jacob MOVED to Egypt because Joseph asked him to. Maybe that was all he needed to do in the first place.


* Joseph was 17 (Gen 37:2) when he had a dream of his family bowing down to him (Gen 37:7-9) and was sold by his brothers in the next scene which is presumably not long afterward. He was 30 when he started working directly for Pharaoh (Gen 41:46) and 7 years of abundance followed this (Gen 41:48; Gen 41:29 shows it is still future). And in the following time of famine the brothers come to Egypt. So, 30 + 7 = 37 and 37 – 17 = 20 years that had passed (at least).


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