
Also, this is my first schedule change so far. Two things happened:

  1. Originally Thursday was going to be Og and Sihon, but I beat that horse to death already, I feel (see lesson on Feb 2) and it was supposed to sync up with Psalm 136, but before this project started I had moved that to earlier in the year, so I just botched that completely.
  2. But the biggest problem? I had no stories about Joseph in the whole year! I realized this when looking at children’s books lately. Joseph is so awesome – I’m sorry, man!

So, I moved Korah’s rebellion to this week (which lines up with “the sons of Korah,” who author several psalms) and put a Joseph story in its place on May 27.

I always had (and still do have) a plan to talk about Joseph the person on August 10, but he deserves some story time, too.

SundayApr 18Book of the BiblePsalms
MondayApr 19Themes and OrganizationDeliverance
TuesdayApr 20People and PlacesAsaph
WednesdayApr 21PoemPsalm 1 – “Blessed is the man”
ThursdayApr 22StoryKorah’s rebellion
FridayApr 23StoryDavid flees Saul
SaturdayApr 24DoctrineThe name of God

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