Kings and a Queen are the theme of this week (Esther is the queen).

Today (April 3) marks lesson 91 of 364, so I am one quarter the way through this project (the first year, anyway). Woohoo!

Also, tomorrow is the last of chronological books in the Old Testament. After next week, it’s poetry and prophets.

SundayApr 4Book of the BibleEsther
MondayApr 5Themes and OrganizationApocryphal books
TuesdayApr 6People and PlacesZechariah
WednesdayApr 7PoemProverbs 31:10-31 – A virtuous woman
ThursdayApr 8StorySaul installed as king
FridayApr 9StoryDavid anointed as King
SaturdayApr 10DoctrineFasting

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