In short
This study is just for me today. I have seen this phrase come up over and over in the Old Testament (14 times by my count), and I always wanted to actually study this out.
Why it is important
It’s not a phrase we use today, so if possible, it’s good to understand it better.
The picture shows the 14 times I see this phrase used, but you really need to read them in context to get any sense of the meaning. Let’s look at a few.
- Num 27:16-23 – The appointing of Joshua as leader of Israel. Joshua was both a military and spiritual leader of Israel.
- 1Sa 18:13-16 – David was a successful military commander for Saul.
- 2Sa 3:25 – Joab believes that Abner is spying on David
- 1Ki 3:5-10 – Solomon is not sure if he is up to the task of being king and asks God for moral discernment
- 2Ch 16:1 – Asa is trapped by his enemy
What does it mean?
The basic sense is pretty obvious: it means “whatever you do,” or, “wherever you go.”
Most often it seems to be used of military campaigns, that your side is the one going out to battle and coming home victorious or in retreat.
But there are some other uses of the phrase; Solomon is asking for moral wisdom and Asa is trapped, so it’s about him getting visitors, not him sending people out.
Theology and doctrine
In the phrase, not terribly much. But the theme behind all or most of these stories is that only God can bring victory. It’s not our planning that does it at all.

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