In short

ALL 19 kings of Israel* “did what was evil in the sight of the LORD,” but Ahab is legendary for being the worst (1Ki 21:25-26).

Why he is important

Because even Ahab received mercy from God when he repented (1KI 21:29).

Stories about Ahab

  • Hates Elijah (1Ki 21:20, 18:17) and another prophet (1Ki 22:8, 18)
  • Assembles the prophets of Baal that Elijah disproves and slays (1Ki 18:18-40)
  • Wife is Jezebel (1Ki 16:31)
  • Jezebel kills Naboth because Ahab wants his vineyard (1Ki 21:1-16)
  • The LORD holds Ahab accountable for Naboth (1Ki 21:18-19)
  • Ahab repents and is given a new lease on life (1Ki 21:29)
  • Died “at random” in battle (1Ki 22:34-35)
  • Political marriage: Ahab’s daughter marries Jehoram, king of Judah (2Ki 8:18)
  • Jehu destroys Ahab’s family line (2Ki 10:17), which includes much of the royal house of Judah by then

Theology and doctrine

Ahab is mentioned 4 times as often as Jezebel, but she is given the credit for Ahab’s evil (1 Ki 21:25), and seems to be remembered more than Ahab. Ahab is not even mentioned in the New Testament, but Jezebel is, figuratively, in Rev 2:20.


* See Sunday’s lesson for details, but what I mean by “Israel” is only the northern tribes that broke away from Judah. There were 19 kings in the north and 20 in Judah, and neither of those numbers include Saul, David or Solomon.


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