In short

Israel demands a king to rule over them.

Why it is important

God didn’t want this. Well, I guess. I mean, He is disappointed in the people for having “rejected me” as king (1Sa 8:7). But this is exactly what God said would happen all along. This is REALLY prophesied in Deut 17:14-20, and implied in Gen 49:10.

And so, from these inauspicious origins, thus begins monarchy in Israel.

Main characters

  • Samuel
  • Saul
  • David

What is in this book

There are three acts:

  1. The rise of Samuel, a judge (chapters 1-8)
  2. The rise and downfall of Saul, the first king (chapters 9-15)
  3. David’s star rises while Saul finishes his reign (chapters 16-31)

Theology and doctrine

God gave the people what they wanted. And I mean that in two ways.

First, God gave the people the guy that WE would pick as a leader – Saul, who looked like a hero. But he didn’t work out.

And then, God gave the people the man that God himself saw as Israel’s best hope (1Sa 13:14) – David, who was short, young and strong in his faith. And he was quite possibly the best king they would ever have.


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