In short

It’s not really about numbers! The original Hebrew name of the book is “In the Wilderness,” and that’s a better name. This book is about Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness (at least 38 years of it). Yes, there are some numbers, too, but that’s like ten percent of the book.

Why it is important

It’s the turning point of the journey. Up till now it looks like Israel is on its way to going home. By the end of the book, they are back on their way. But in the middle, the people are at their worst… and their best.

Main characters

  • Moses
  • Levites
  • Joshua and Caleb
  • Korah
  • Balak and Balaam (and a talking donkey and an angel)
  • Thousands of complaining Israelites

The timeline of Numbers

  • Ex 19:1 marks “the third new moon after the people of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt”
  • Num 9:1 marks “the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt”
  • Num 10:1 is not long after, “In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month”
  • Num 20:28, Aaron dies.
  • Num 33:38 specifies that Aaron died “in the fortieth year after the people of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt”

Thus, the first 1/4 of the book is less than one year, and approximately the last 1/2 is one year at most, but the second quarter is 38 years!

What is in the book of Numbers

A LOT of stories and laws.

Year 1:

  • Three (?) censuses (chapters 1,3 and 4)
  • Laws

Years 2-39:

  • Spies sent to do recon on Canaan (it ends with the promise of the 40 years)
  • Israel tries its hand at conquest – they fail
  • Korah’s rebellion
  • Moses seals his destiny
  • Laws

Year 40:

  • Israel tries its hand at conquest – they succeed
  • Balaam the prophet
  • Another census
  • Laws

Theology and doctrine

It’s easy to laugh at the Israelites or brush off half a lifetime in a desert. It hits home more to see Moses punished for his moment of rash behavior. But all of it should echo as the respect that God deserves.


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