In short

Leviticus 10:1-11. The LORD kills these two men on the spot after they bring an offering that God did not ask for.

Why it is important

To put it bluntly, God does not mess around. These two men were 40 percent* of the first priests of Israel! And God has no reservations about destroying them for desecrating the tabernacle**.

Also, as I said on Sunday, this story seems to be a watershed moment in Leviticus. Before this, the focus seems to be largely on procedure, but after this is a huge focus on the holiness of God. Nadab and Abihu CLEARLY did not absorb the gravity of their task as priests.

What is in this story

The main event is so brief that I will just quote it:

“Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it and laid incense on it and offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, which he had not commanded them. And fire came out from before the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD.”

Leviticus 10:1-2

After this, Moses has words with the nearby men, and it is remarkable how NOBODY argues with him.

  • Verse 3: Moses to Aaron: The LORD said, I WILL be respected. “And Aaron held his peace.”
  • Verse 4-5: Hey you two, carry away the bodies. No argument.
  • Verse 6-7: You two, DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING. “And they did according to the word of Moses.”

Think of how Aaron argues about the golden calf and the Israelites seem to complain for sport. Yet today, there is no argument. They are in shock and they get it. The LORD is holy, the end.

Theology and doctrine

Is this unfair? Were Nadab and Abihu simply naïve victims of an irrational God?

Definitely not. Recall that the entire book of Leviticus up to this point prepares them – specifically Aaron and his sons – for preparing offerings and sacrifices to God as priests. There is no reason to think that they did not know any better. Nor is it acceptable if they simply forgot or lost focus for a moment. God is to be respected thoroughly at all times.

We, too, cannot plead ignorance when serving God. Our worship to Him should be what he wants. Enough said.


* Aaron and his four sons are the first priests – his descendants ARE the priesthood of Israel. There are apparently a LOT of scriptures to explain this; see 2Ch 13:10 for example.

** Lev 10:4 says they died in “front of the sanctuary,” i.e. in the tabernacle court.


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