In short

Instructions for priestly service and laws for the people. But there is a single word that comes up incessantly in this book, far more than in any other book of the Bible.

Why it is important

It is all about being HOLY. (That’s the word.)

The book of Isaiah has the word “holy” in it 62 times in 66 chapters and that’s the runner up. Leviticus is only 27 chapters and this word appears 92 times!

Sure, the laws are hard to follow since they have no relevance to us today. But that’s actually not true at all. It is true that we don’t follow the commands, but the big and small lessons – that God is holy – is one of the most important things to understand as a believer.

Main Characters

  • Aaron
  • But it’s not really that kind of book

What is in the book of Leviticus

Even though this is not a “story” in the way that Exodus was, there is a narrative arc in the book.

I see three main sections:

  • Chapters 1-7: How priests are to perform offerings (specific ones)
  • Chapters 8-10: Time for Aaron and his sons to put that into practice (it goes VERY badly)
  • Chapters 11-27: Understanding holiness

I’d venture to say it’s no coincidence that the lessons on holiness come after some of the first priests CLEARLY did not appreciate how to act around God.

In that section on holiness is:

  • What is “clean” and “unclean” (chapters 11-15)
  • How to respect the Sabbath (Lev 23:3)
  • Six feasts to be observed once a year (the rest of chapter 23)
  • Servants being set free (Lev 25:39-41)
  • And other laws and lessons

Theology and doctrine

“For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy.”

Leviticus 11:44

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