Before a temple (of stone) existed, priests of Israel worshiped in a portable building (with a portable fence) called the tabernacle.

Why it is important

The LORD tells Moses in Exodus 25:8, “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.”

That’s more than a figure of speech. The glory of the LORD would fill the tabernacle wherever Israel set up camp (Ex 40:34-38). The top of the ark of the covenant (inside the tabernacle) was called “the mercy SEAT” of the LORD (Ex 25:21).

What did the tabernacle look like?

I prefer this illustration (from the ESV study bible) over the picture in this post, but it’s copyrighted so you’ll have to click it yourself.

The full description is in Exodus 25-31 and 35-40 (that’s 13 some or all of chapters). But if you want a summary, Hebrews 9:1-7 gives an overview and describes some additional details.

In short, it is:

  • A wood-framed building (probably like your house is today)
  • With only three exterior walls of wood
  • Covered in fabric on all sides
  • Surrounded by a courtyard bordered by a fabric fence
  • Transported with the nation as they wandered in the wilderness

The building:

  • Is called a tent, but it’s not like the kind we think of
  • Has only one entrance
  • Has two rooms separated by a curtain (you have to go through one room to get to the other)
  • Was elaborately decorated

For worshiping:

  • There is an altar in the courtyard for sacrificing animals
  • The first room of the tent is called “The Holy Place” and contains a few things for routine worship
  • The inner room of the tent is called “The Most Holy Place” and contains the Ark of the Covenant and is entered only on the Day of Atonement once a year


Is the tabernacle God’s house?

  • Well, no.
  • Isaiah 66:1 kind of spells that out
  • Also the LORD’s speech to David in 1Ch 17:5
  • And Solomon even said when he built the temple, “But will God indeed dwell with man on the earth?” (2Ch 6:18)
  • But in a sense, He certainly did appear before the people and stay with them
  • Consider the similar statements about Christ in John 6:56, 14:20; Gal 2:20; 1Jn 4:12

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